
Projjal Chanda
Ben Kietzman
Uwe Korn
Micah Kornfield
Rok Mihevc
Antoine Pitrou
Neal Richardson
François Saint-Jacques


* Nested parquet: Micah restated what he emailed to the ML. Will make some
Jiras to let us parallelize the work. Bigger question about measuring read
performance on real world data.
* Integration testing: Antoine working on C++ side but it's going to need
someone to pick up on Java side. See current status at
* 0.17/nightly build failures: brainstorming ways to keep the nightly
builds greener

On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 8:28 AM Neal Richardson <>

> Hi all,
> Last minute reminder that our biweekly call is coming up in a half hour at
> All are welcome to join. Notes will
> be sent out to the mailing list afterward.
> Neal

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