hi folks,

Per the mailing list discussion and INFRA-20419 we have just executed
some changes to our JIRA e-mail notification schemes:

* dev@arrow will no longer receive "JIRA created" e-mails. This should
hopefully help with having more e-mail engagement from developers who
may not be paying attention to the stream of granular development
activity in the project

* "NEW ISSUE" e-mails have been moved to issues@. It's important for
active developers to see new JIRA issues that are relevant to them, so
please consider subscribing (by e-mailing issues-subscribe@arrow.a.o)
to this mailing list and if you find the e-mails too much for your
inbox, please take 60 seconds and set up an e-mail filter. Here is
what my e-mail filter in gmail looks like

Matches: from:(j...@apache.org) subject:ARROW -{mentioned you}
Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "ApacheArrow/JIRA"

VERY IMPORTANT: Putting "mentioned you" in the "does not contain" part
of the e-mail filter is necessary to ensure that you are notified (in
your inbox) when you are mentioned on JIRA.

* All JIRA e-mails including comments and issue updates, have been
moved from issues@ to a new mailing list jira@. The reason we have
this "firehose" e-mail list is so that development activity is
captured in e-mail form for archival purposes.


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