Hey David,

Appreciate the quick response!

I had been doing it that way, but I found that If I was sending something
along the lines of:

ErrorFlightMetadata errorFlightMetadata = new ErrorFlightMetadata();
errorFlightMetadata.insert("my_custom_key", "hello");
    .withDescription("Testing description")
    .withCause(new RuntimeException("My cause"))

I would only receive the description back by the time it was throwing a
Python error:

FlightInternalError: gRPC returned internal error, with message:
Testing description. Client context: IOError: Server never sent a data
message. Detail: Internal. gRPC client debug context:
{"created":"@1597858462.086707300","description":"Error received from

(catching the exception and checking FlightInternalError.extra_info returns
nothing as well)

However if I manually create a grpc status exception like so:

private static Metadata.Key<byte[]> arrowStatusDetail =
private static Metadata.Key<byte[]> grpcStatusDetail =
    Metadata.Key.of("grpc-status-details-bin", Metadata.BINARY_BYTE_MARSHALLER);
private static Metadata.Key<String> statusCode =
    Metadata.Key.of("x-arrow-status", Metadata.ASCII_STRING_MARSHALLER);
private static Metadata.Key<byte[]> message =

Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
metadata.put(arrowStatusDetail, "my_internal_details".getBytes());
metadata.put(grpcStatusDetail, "this_is_in_extra_info".getBytes());
metadata.put(statusCode, "1");
metadata.put(message, "my_internal_message".getBytes());
return new StatusRuntimeException(Status.INTERNAL, metadata);

Then I receive this back on the Python side:

FlightInternalError: my_internal_message. Detail: my_internal_details.
Client context: IOError: Server never sent a data message. Detail:
Internal. gRPC client debug context:
{"created":"@1597859023.244971700","description":"Error received from

and FlightInternalError.extra_info contains the bytes for
"this_is_in_extra_info"  - I can pretty much put whatever I need in there
to add richer metadata and utilize it on the client.

It feels a bit awkward / maybe incorrect to dive into the C++ code to
hijack those metadata keys just to transport extra metadata from Java ->
C++. If the above approach with CallStatus is incorrect for bringing extra
data to the client then let me know.


On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 12:59 PM David Li <li.david...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Patrick,
> How are you sending the error to the client from the server side? You
> should be calling `listener.error` or `listener.onError` with a
> `FlightRuntimeException` (which you can get via
> CallStatus.<STATUS_NAME>.withDescription(...).toRuntimeException);
> this will get the status code and message to the client.
> The error metadata is if you need to send additional structured data
> as part of the error.
> Best,
> David
> On 8/19/20, Patrick Woody <patrick.woo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > I'm working on a project that has a Java arrow flight server and has a
> > pyarrow client, both version 1.0.0. I've been trying to get richer errors
> > back to the python client instead of the generic "grpc error ...".
> >
> > I see that the spec explicitly doesn't try to define metadata:
> > https://arrow.apache.org/docs/format/Flight.html#error-handling, but I
> > think it would certainly be useful to have them work together. It appears
> > that the Java implementation doesn't seem to send the ErrorFlightMetadata
> > and the C++ code has its own way of best effort extracting of additional
> > metadata from the response
> >
> https://github.com/apache/arrow/blob/master/cpp/src/arrow/flight/internal.cc#L86
> >
> > As of now, I'm just manually making the grpc metadata/exception so that
> > pyarrow understands it but I'm curious if this is a problem others have
> run
> > into / if I'm doing something silly. Similarly, I am wondering if this is
> > something that requires cross-language definition - I'm a little unclear
> on
> > the divide between what is considered a part of the Flight spec v.s.
> > implementation specific. Happy to help if there is some follow up work
> > here.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Pat
> >

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