I have two items I would like to propose for the agenda if there is time:

1. Manual creation of JIRA Tickets
*Background/Issue*: Currently all contributors are required to make a JIRA
account and do some mechanical JIRA creation to create well formed Arrow
PRs. This is mindless work and people who are used to it may forget the
barrier it imposes on casual contributions and burden on maintainers to
keep JIRA synced.
*Proposal*: Write a bot / script that uses the title of new PRs to open the
appropriate JIRA / components. Devs / maintainers would only have to ensure
the title of PRs started with the correct components.

2. Slow Release Process + Dearth  of Maintenance Releases
*Background / Issues: I*nfrequent releases (every three months), and lack
of maintenance patchsets mean that many users of the Rust Arrow crate need
to pull in some version of the `master` branch as that is the only way they
can get bug fixes in the intervening three months between releases-- this
causes friction with users, and pressure to keep APIs more compatible than
befit a project at the Rust Implementation's stage of maturity.
*Proposal*:  Allow Rust and other implementations release additional point
/ maintenance  versions at a different cadences, out of lockstep with the
major arrow releases. We could still release the Rust library as part of
the major Arrow releases, but we would release both bug fix / patch
versions as well as intermediate feature releases of our various crates

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 10:53 PM Neal Richardson <
neal.p.richard...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Reminder that our biweekly call is coming up at
> https://meet.google.com/vtm-teks-phx. All are welcome to join. Notes will
> be shared with the mailing list afterward.
> Neal

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