

   Andy Grove

   Mike Seddon

   Andrew Lamb

   Fernando Herrera

   Neville Dipale

   Colin Alworth

   Dominik Moritz

   Jorge Leitao

   Nate Bauernfiend

   Patrick Horan

   Ruan Pearce-Authers

   Wayne Xia

Topics Discussed


   Dominik gave a demo of his Arrow WebAssembly project (

   Mike discussed CAST and the fact that we currently silently reject bad
   data and return null and do not offer the choice of returning errors
   instead. Potential solutions discussed, starting with adding this option at
   the compute kernel level

   We talked briefly about the potential donation of Ballista. Conversation
   to continue on the mailing list for now

   We talked about Jorge’s work on “Arrow2”. There is a desire to implement
   this new design in Arrow and we talked about creating a branch in the Arrow
   repo to continue this work.

   Fernando mentioned that he was looking for new items to work on but it
   wasn’t clear from looking at JIRA whether other people are already working
   on items or not because JIRA isn’t very actively maintained. This led to a
   conversation about other ways for us to communicate more informally. There
   is now an official ASF slack but this seems to only be available for people
   with an email address (committers / PMC). There is a Zulip
   chat hosted by Ursa Labs as another option ( I will start a discussion on the
   mailing list about this.

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