I ran into this issue as well. See
As I understand it, https://github.com/jorgecarleitao/arrow2 will make
reading more efficient.

On Apr 6, 2021 at 07:30:54, Al Taylor <al.taylor1...@googlemail.com.invalid>

> Hi,
> I was reading around the rust-arrow codebase, evaluating it for potential
> future use. I'm  particularly interested in zero-copy processing.
> I could very well be wrong here, as I don't have a lot of rust experience,
> but it looks like the code for reading buffers out of IPC messages is
> copying the contents of the data.
> A buffer is constructed via Buffer::from(&[u8]) according to an
> ipc::Buffer object here:
> https://github.com/apache/arrow/blob/8e43f23dcc6a9e630516228f110c48b64d13cec6/rust/arrow/src/ipc/reader.rs#L39
> The Buffer::from method is defined here:
> https://github.com/apache/arrow/blob/8e43f23dcc6a9e630516228f110c48b64d13cec6/rust/arrow/src/buffer/immutable.rs#L222
> and appears to create an empty buffer, then copy data from the slice into
> it.
> As far as I'm aware, the C++ implementation of arrow does not copy buffer
> data out of IPC messages in this way.
> Is my understanding correct? Are there additional considerations in rust
> which means it's not possible for objects accessed by application code
> (e.g. record-batches, arrays) to keep their buffers in IPC messages?
> Thanks,
> Al

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