I have been working on an arrow-was library that uses the rust crate. I
was hoping to eventually merge this into the arrow repo. Since wasm is
often used on the web, I was hoping to maybe use the wasm library as a core
for the arrow-js library (which is in the main arrow repo).

So there is just one points I want to raise. If arrow-rs moved out of the
arrow repo, let’s make sure that integration tests still run against the
main arrow repo.

On Apr 9, 2021 at 08:17:34, Andy Grove <andygrov...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Following on from the email thread "Rust sync meeting" I would like to
> start a new discussion about moving the Rust components out to new GitHub
> repositories and using a new process for issues and release management.
> I have started a Google document [1] with details and to track the work
> required for this effort but I will summarize the key points of the
> proposal here:
>   -
>   Move existing Rust code into two new repositories
>   -
>      apache/arrow-rs
>      -
>         Arrow + Parquet crates
>         -
>      apache/datafusion
>      -
>         DataFusion + Ballista crates (which are expected to merge to some
>         degree over time)
>         -
>         TPC-H benchmarks
>         -
>      Use GitHub issues for issue tracking
>      -
>   Decouple release process
>   -
>      Crates are released individually
>      -
>      A vote on the source release of the released crate is held over the
>      mailing list as usual.
>      -
>      Rust does not need to release a new version when the rest of Arrow
>      releases; we bundle our latest released crates to the signed tar.
>      -
>      Crates can depend on GitHub commit hashes between releases
> The Google document may be the best place to collaborate on the proposal
> but I can update the document based on any comments in this email thread as
> well.
> Note that I have excluded discussion about arrow2/parquet2 from this
> proposal and I believe we should discuss that separately as a follow-on
> discussion.
> I look forward to hearing opinions on this both from current Rust
> maintainers and contributors and also from the wider Arrow community.
> Thanks,
> Andy.
> [1]
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TyrUP8_UWXqk97a8Hvb1d0UYWigch0HAephIjW7soSI/edit?usp=sharing

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