Le 21/04/2021 à 11:14, Yibo Cai a écrit :
When running benchmarks on Arm64 servers, I find some benchmarks are extremely 
slow when built with clang.
E.g., "ModeKernelNarrow<BooleanType>/1048576/10000" costs 90s to finish.
I find almost all the time is spent in generating random bits (prepare test 
data)[1], not the test itself.

Below sample code is to show the issue. Tested on Arm64 with clang-10 and 
gcc-7.5, built with -O3.
For gcc, the code finished in 0.1s. But for clang, the code finishes in 11s, 
very bad.
This issue does not happen on Apple M1, with apple clang-12 arm64 compiler.
On x86, clang random engine is also much slower than gcc built, but the gap is 
much smaller.

As std::default_random_engine is implementation defined[2], I think the 
performance (randomness, speed) is not determinate.
Maybe there are better ways to generate random bits?

Can you try out https://github.com/apache/arrow/pull/8879 ?

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