I have migrated over all JIRA issues that were marked as "Rust" or
"Rust-DataFusion" to new issues in the https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs
and https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion repos respectively.

There are now no open JIRA issues [1] for the Rust implementation.

My script moved the titles, descriptions, tags, and comments but didn't
attempt to port the formatting, so some of the github issues are kind of
messy. I also did not try to map jira usernames to github usernames.

Please feel free to move / correct / close any others I have missed.

If anyone has thoughts about how to prevent people from using JIRA
accidentally to file issues (rather than github) please let us know.


JQL: project = ARROW AND component in ("Rust - DataFusion", Rust, "Rust -
Ballista") and status NOT IN (RESOLVED, CLOSED) ORDER BY created ASC


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