
For Arrow Datasets, I've been working to instrument the scanner to find
bottlenecks. For example, here's a demo comparing the current async
scanner, which doesn't truly read asynchronously, to one that does; it
should be fairly evident where the bottleneck is:

I'd like to upstream this, but I'd like to run some questions by
everyone first:
- Does this look useful to developers working on other sub-projects?
- This uses OpenTelemetry[1], which is still in alpha, so are we
  comfortable with adopting it? Is the overhead acceptable?
- Is there anyone using Arrow to build services, that would find more
  general integration useful?

How it works: OpenTelemetry[1] is used to annotate and record a "span"
for operations like reading a single record batch. The data is saved as
JSON, then rendered by some JavaScript. The branch is at [2].

As a quick summary, OpenTelemetry implements distributed tracing, in
which a request is tracked as a directed acyclic graph of spans. A span
is just metadata (name, ID, start/end time, parent span, ...) about an
operation (function call, network request, ...). Typically, it's used in
services. Spans can reference each other across machines, so you can
track a request across multiple services (e.g. finding which service
failed/is unusually slow in a chain of services that call each other).

As opposed to a (sampling) profiler, this gives you application-level
metadata, like filenames or S3 download rates, that you can use in
analysis (as in the demo). It's also something you'd always keep turned
on (at least when running a service). If integrated with Flight,
OpenTelemetry would also give us a performance picture across multiple
machines - speculatively, something like making a request to a Flight
service and being able to trace all the requests it makes to S3.

It does have some overhead; you wouldn't annotate every function in a
codebase. This is rather anecdotal, but for the demo above, there was
essentially zero impact on runtime. Of course, that demo records very
little data overall, so it's not very representative.

- Add a simple Span class of our own, and defer Flight until later.
- Integrate OpenTelemetry in such a way that it gets compiled out if not
  enabled at build time. This would be messier but should alleviate any
  performance questions.
- Use something like Perfetto[3] or LLVM XRay[4]. They have their own
  caveats (e.g. XRay is LLVM-specific) and aren't intended for the
  multi-machine use case, but would otherwise work. I haven't looked
  into these much, but could evaluate them, especially if they seem more
  fit for purpose for use in other Arrow subprojects.

If people aren't super enthused, I'll most likely go with adding a
custom Span class for Datasets, and defer the question of whether we
should integrate Flight/Datasets with OpenTelemetry until another use
case arises. But recently we have seen interest in this - so I see this
as perhaps a chance to take care of two problems at once.


[1]: https://opentelemetry.io/
[2]: https://github.com/lidavidm/arrow/tree/arrow-opentelemetry
[3]: https://perfetto.dev/
[4]: https://llvm.org/docs/XRay.html

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