
Sorry for the delay here.

Below is the list of post-release tasks:

1.  [ ] open a pull request to bump the version numbers in the source code
2.  [x] upload source
3.  [x] upload binaries
4.  [ ] update website (https://github.com/apache/arrow-site/pull/114)
5.  [x] upload ruby gems
6.  [ ] upload js packages
8.  [x] upload C# packages
9.  [ ] upload rust crates
10. [x] update conda recipes
11. [x] upload wheels/sdist to pypi
12. [x] update homebrew packages
13. [ ] update maven artifacts
14. [x] update msys2
15. [x] update R packages
16. [ ] update docs (in progress, me)

I stroke out items that are not needed / applicable, and xed those already

* Could someone help out in publishing to maven, as that is a bit too far
from my current setup?
* Could someone add me to npmjs so that I can publish it there
(jorgecarleitao [1])?

Thank you for your patience,

[1] https://www.npmjs.com/~jorgecarleitao

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