Hello Arrow Community,

I am a student working on a project where I need to serialize an in-memory 
Arrow Table of size around 700MB to a uint8_t* buffer. I am currently using the 
arrow::ipc::RecordBatchStreamWriter API to serialize the table to a 
arrow::Buffer, but it is taking nearly 1000ms to serialize the whole table, and 
that is harming the performance of my performance-critical application. I 
basically want to get hold of the underlying memory of the table as bytes and 
send it over the network. How do you suggest I tackle this problem? I was 
thinking of using the C Data interface for this, so that I convert my 
arrow::Table to ArrowArray and ArrowSchema and serialize the structs to send 
them over the network, but seems like serializing structs is another complex 
problem on its own.  It will be great to have some suggestions on this. Thanks 
a lot.


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