Awesome idea!

I would definitely either copy paste or link to Paul’s codepens of Arrow-JS 
That’s basically how I know, how to use arrow-js.


P.S. Just a general thank you credit for Paul Taylor and his awesome work on 
arrow-js and those examples.

From: Alessandro Molina <>
Date: Monday, June 21, 2021 at 4:39 AM
To: <>
Subject: Apache Arrow Cookbook

I'd like to share with the ML an idea which me and Nic Crane have been
experimenting with. It's still in the early stage, but we hope to turn it
into a PR for Arrow documentation soon.

The idea is to work on a Cookbook, a collection of ready made recipes, on
how to use Arrow that both end users and developers of third party
libraries can refer to when they need to look up "the arrow way" of doing

While the arrow documentation reports all features and functions that are
available in arrow, it's not always obvious how to best combine them for a
new user. Sometimes the solution ends up being more complicated than
necessary or performs badly due to not obvious side effects like unexpected
memory copies etc.

For this reason we thought about starting a documentation that users can
refer to on how to combine arrow features to achieve the results they care

We wrote a short document explaining the idea at;!!PBKjc0U4!eDTriA0UAkL111ZaX0gdjqOj7m4raTH6gULihMWyccnw17RdVXSt3kLC9Ut21JfGieUs$<;!!PBKjc0U4!eDTriA0UAkL111ZaX0gdjqOj7m4raTH6gULihMWyccnw17RdVXSt3kLC9Ut21JfGieUs$>

The core idea behind the cookbook is that all recipes should be testable,
so it should be possible to add a CI phase for the cookbook that verifies
that all the recipes still work with the current version of Arrow and lead
to the expected results.

At the moment we started it in a separate repository (;!!PBKjc0U4!eDTriA0UAkL111ZaX0gdjqOj7m4raTH6gULihMWyccnw17RdVXSt3kLC9Ut21Nah3Fjv$<;!!PBKjc0U4!eDTriA0UAkL111ZaX0gdjqOj7m4raTH6gULihMWyccnw17RdVXSt3kLC9Ut21Nah3Fjv$>
  ), but we are yet unsure if
it should live inside arrow/docs or its own directory (IE: arrow/cookbook)
or its own repository. In the end it's fairly decoupled from the rest of
Arrow and the documentation, which would have the benefit of allowing a
dedicated release cycle every time new recipes are added (at least in the
early phase).

We are also looking for more ideas about recipes that would be good
candidates for inclusion, so if any of you has thoughts about which recipes
we should add please feel free to comment on the document or reply by mail
suggesting more recipes.

Any suggestion for improvements is appreciated! We hope to have something
we can release with the next Arrow release.

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