Sort of a related question is whether UnionScalar needs to exist at
all, versus returning the "unboxed" scalar from the corresponding
array to the requested value slot (e.g. if it's a union of int and
string, return either IntXScalar or StringScalar)

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 10:37 AM Antoine Pitrou <> wrote:
> Le 29/07/2021 à 14:25, Benjamin Kietzman a écrit :
> > Convention 2 seems more correct to me; if a UnionArray cannot
> > contain top level nulls then a UnionScalar should not be nullable.
> > Furthermore, I think that it's reasonable for
> > `MakeNullScalar(some_union_type)->is_valid` to be true, though
> > the doccomment for both `MakeNullScalar` and `MakeArrayOfNull`
> > should include explicit warnings of the special case which unions
> > represent.
> >
> > It's worth noting that convention 1 doesn't round trip through the
> > scalar. Consider the type
> >
> >      t = dense_union({field("i", int8()), field("b", boolean())},
> > /*type_codes=*/{4, 8});
> >
> > If we define an array of this type with a single element like so:
> >
> >      a = ArrayFromJSON(t, R"([{"type_code": 8, "value": null}])");
> >
> > then the scalar returned by `a.GetScalar(0)` is one of:
> >
> >      conv_1 = { .is_valid = false, .value = nullptr }
> >      conv_2 = { .is_valid = true, .value = MakeNullScalar(boolean()) }
> >
> > ... on broadcasting `conv_2` to an array with `MakeArrayFromScalar` we
> > produce a correctly round tripped array with type_codes of 8. On the other
> > hand, broadcasting `conv_1` produces
> >
> >      ArrayFromJSON(t, R"([{"type_code": 4, "value": null}])");
> >
> > (In general replacing the type code with whichever type code was
> > declared first.)
> Note that should hopefully
> fix this by adding a `type_code` field to UnionScalar.
> Regards
> Antoine.

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