
I am sending this email a little earlier than usual to bring awareness for
the upcoming release.
The plan seems to be to start preparing the 9.0.0 release around mid July,
which means we probably will be cutting a release in  ~3.5 / ~4 weeks from
A confluence page was made to track the progress for the 9.0.0 release [1].

It would be great for the process of preparing the release if you could
review tickets that are assigned to you in the "TODO Backlog" and move
those tickets that you think you will not be able to close to "Version
10.0.0" in JIRA, so that we can start preparing release announcements etc
with a good estimate of what's actually going to end up in the release.

Thanks everybody for the great work! So far almost 300 tickets seem to have
been resolved as part of 9.0.0!

Thank you,

[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ARROW/Arrow+9.0.0+Release

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