Le 01/08/2022 à 22:53, Pradeep Gollakota a écrit :
Thanks for all the great feedback.

To proceed forward, we seem to need decisions around the following:

1. Whether to use arrow extensions or first class types. The consensus is
building towards using arrow extensions.


2. What do we do about different non-utf8 encodings? There does not appear
to be a consensus yet on this point. One option is to only allow utf8
encoding and force implementers to convert non-utf8 to utf8. Second option
is to allow all encodings and capture the encoding in the metadata (I'm
leaning towards this option).

Allowing non-utf8 encodings adds complexity for everyone. Disallowing them only adds complexity for the tiny minority of producers of non-utf8 JSON.

3. What do we do about the different formats of JSON (string, BSON, UBJSON,

There are no "different formats of JSON". BSON etc. are unrelated formats.



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