Hi Laurent,

I have read the first post and I really like it. I'd be +1 on publishing
these to the blog. I'm interested to read the second one when it's finished.

IMO the blog could use more examples of using Arrow that's not building a
data frame library / query engine, and I appreciate that this blog provides
advice for some of the trickier parts of working with complex Arrow
schemas. I think this will also provide a good concrete use case for us to
think about improving the ecosystem's support for nested data.


Will Jones

On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 10:56 AM Laurent Quérel <laurent.que...@gmail.com>

> Hello everyone,
> I was wondering if the Apache Arrow community would be interested in
> featuring a two-part article series on their blog, discussing the
> experiences and insights gained from an experimental version of the
> OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP) utilizing Apache Arrow. As the main author of
> the OTLP Arrow specification
> <https://github.com/lquerel/oteps/blob/main/text/0156-columnar-encoding.md
> >,
> the reference implementation otlp-arrow-adapter
> <https://github.com/f5/otel-arrow-adapter>, and the two articles (see
> links
> below), I believe that fostering collaboration between open-source projects
> like these is essential and mutually beneficial.
> These articles would serve as a fitting complement to the three
> introductory articles that Andrew Lamb and Raphael Taylor-Davies
> co-authored. They delve into the practical aspects of integrating Apache
> Arrow into an existing project, as well as the process of converting a
> hierarchical data model into its Arrow representation. The first article
> examines various mapping techniques for aligning an existing data model
> with the corresponding Arrow representation, while the second article
> explores an adaptive schema technique that I implemented in the library's
> final version in greater depth. Although the second article is still under
> development, the core framework description is already in place.
> What are your thoughts on this proposal?
> Article 1:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/11lG7Go2IgKOyW-RReBRW6r7HIdV1X7lu5WrDGlW5LbQ/edit?usp=sharing
> Article 2 (WIP):
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K2CqAtF4pZjpiVts8BOcq34sOcNgozvZ9ZZw-_zTv6I/edit?usp=sharing
> Best regards,
> Laurent Quérel
> --
> Laurent Quérel

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