
Regarding the release on the parquet-cpp side:
- cpp-12.0.0 has been closed and associated JIRAs are properly tagged
  and resolved [1].
- cpp-13.0.0 has been created [2].

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/PARQUET/versions/12353228
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/PARQUET/versions/12353229


On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 8:24 AM Ian Cook <i...@ursacomputing.com> wrote:

> Below is a summary of the notes from today's meeting.
> Attendees:
> - Ian Cook
> - Raúl Cumplido
> - Dewey Dunnington
> - Xuwei Fu
> - Will Jones
> - David Li
> - Ashish Paliwal
> - Dane Pitkin
> - Matthew Topol
> - Joris Van den Bossche
> Discussion:
> Arrow 12.0.0 release
> - Release is complete
> - Most post-release tasks are complete, except for vcpkg (should be
> done soon) and conan (still TBD)
> - We need the Parquet C++ issues to be tagged properly in Jira
>   - These issues are: PARQUET-2201, PARQUET-2225, PARQUET-2232,
> PARQUET-2250
>   - We need to:
>     - Tag them with fix version cpp-12.0.0
>     - Mark the cpp-12.0.0 version as closed
>     - Create a new cpp-13.0.0 version
> - Xuwei will notify Gang Wu and Micah
> Arrow 12.0.1 release?
> - See issues tagged with the 12.0.1 milestone [1]
> - In particular, see the performance regression report [2]
> - This is related to [3]
> Benchmark checking as part of the release process?
> - The regression mentioned above was flagged by a performance
> benchmark [4] but we didn’t take any action on it before the release
> - Perhaps as a part of the release verification process we should make
> it easier for reviewers to see a Conbench page directly comparing the
> performance of the current release candidate with the previous release
>   - This would be useful not just for detecting performance
> regressions but also for seeing big areas of performance improvement
> that we can mention in the release notes / blog post / etc.
>   - Raúl will take some next steps on this
> s390x CI migration from Travis
> - ASF has already switched off all Travis jobs (about 3 months ago) so
> this job has not been running
> - Raúl is still working on this
> [1]
> https://github.com/apache/arrow/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A12.0.1
> [2] https://github.com/apache/arrow/issues/35498
> [3] https://github.com/apache/arrow/issues/33313
> [4]
> https://conbench.ursa.dev/benchmark-results/2b587cc1079f4e3a97f542e6f11e883e/
> On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 10:14 PM Ian Cook <i...@ursacomputing.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Our biweekly Arrow community meeting is tomorrow at 16:00 UTC / 12:00
> EDT.
> >
> > Zoom meeting URL:
> > https://zoom.us/j/87649033008?pwd=SitsRHluQStlREM0TjJVYkRibVZsUT09
> > Meeting ID: 876 4903 3008
> > Passcode: 958092
> >
> > The notes for this and future instances of this meeting will be
> > captured in this Google Doc:
> >
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xrji8fc6_24TVmKiHJB4ECX1Zy2sy2eRbBjpVJMnPmk/
> > If you plan to attend this meeting, you are welcome to edit the
> > document to add the topics that you would like to discuss.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ian

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