
I am trying to write a function that takes a stream of record batches
(where the last column is group id), and produces k record batches, where
record batches k_i contain all the rows with group id == i.

Pseudocode is sth like:

def group_rows(batches, k) -> array[RecordBatch] {
      builders = array[RecordBatchBuilder](k)
      for batch in batches:
           # Assuming last column is the group id
           group_ids = batch.column(-1)
           for i in batch.num_rows():
                k_i = group_ids[i]

       batches = array[RecordBatch](k)
       for i in range(k):
           batches[i] = builders[i].build()
       return batches

I wonder if there is some existing code that does something like this?
(Specially I didn't find code that can append row/rows to a
RecordBatchBuilder (either one row given an row index, or multiple rows
given a list of row indices)

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