gRPC has backpressure built in. Is your server in Java or Python/C++?

If in Java, the server needs to explicitly poll isReady to respect 
backpressure. (This is rather wasteful, yes, and this will artificially 
throttle your peak bandwidth because of a long-standing flaw in gRPC-Java.)

If in Python/C++, the backpressure should be automatic (write calls will 
block), so the client should just make sure not to read from the reader until 
it actually wants data (there are lower-level options to tweak this, IIRC)

On Thu, Jul 6, 2023, at 23:18, Wenbo Hu wrote:
> Hi,
>     I'm using arrow flight to transfer data in distributed system, but
> the lightning speed makes both client and server faces out of memory
> issue.
>     For do_put and do_exchange method, the protocol provides stream
> metadata reader/writer for client/server exchange control messages
> along data stream.
>     But do_get only returns a FlightDataStream without any extra
> control message can be used to communicate with each other.
>     Also, the returned FlightDataStream is unaware of client
> canceling, while java has a cancel callback.
>     My solution is to use do_exchange to replace do_get for client
> download data, or is there any better way to implement that?
> -- 
> ---------------------
> Best Regards,
> Wenbo Hu,

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