Hi Roman,

Yes, it is still a work in progress and not ready for release. I haven't
had time recently to finish it, so I've left the in-progress PRs there.
IIRC they were mostly complete, but still need to be rebased on the current
Rust API design and get feedback from others.

The part that is merged is just the Rust API, and the two PRs linked add
the ability to interop with C-API-based drivers. The driver implementation
PR makes it easy to expose a driver written in Rust as a C-API driver. The
driver manager PR makes it easy to consume a C-API driver.

I hope to get back to finishing the Rust ADBC bindings, but I have a few
other projects I need to get done first. The project I was hoping to use it
for was delayed. If you are interested in taking over the PRs, even just
part of it, I'd be happy to give PR reviews.


Will Jones

On Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 5:54 AM David Li <lidav...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Roman,
> I hope Will (the author of the Rust parts) can chime in too, but yes,
> while some parts are there, there's definitely more work needed for it to
> actually be usable. I don't think there are active plans for getting it
> published on crates.io; it needs someone to step up and plan out/finish
> the work. Contributions are of course welcome.
> There are a couple WIP PRs [1][2] that might serve as a starting point.
> [1]: https://github.com/apache/arrow-adbc/pull/446
> [2]: https://github.com/apache/arrow-adbc/pull/416
> -David
> On Wed, Aug 23, 2023, at 08:38, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I am really eager to see ADBC support for the
> > Rust ecosystem and so far I've stumbled on
> > what seems to be a work-in-progress here:
> >    https://github.com/apache/arrow-adbc/tree/main/rust
> >
> > There are a few comments in the source that
> > make it sound like it should be at least possible
> > to use it via Rust/C linkage, but then I look through
> > the implementation and even that part of it seems to
> > be missing.
> >
> > Am I overlooking something obvious here?
> >
> > And also, what are the plans for getting it to a point
> > where it can be published on crates.io?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Roman.

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