Recently, there was a request to find people to take a more active role in
defining and building a Python interface to DataFusion here:

In response, I've filed the following to get a sense of what's important to

However, in addition to wanting to publicize my request more, some nagging
questions about the broader goals of DataFusion and Arrow remain. Given
that DF is pitched as a foundation for database systems, what are the
aspirations for an interface in Python or other high level languages? Are
folks imagining it will be used for building pipelines, automated analysis,
interactive EDA? All of the above? Something else entirely?

Given my background I'm inclined toward something aimed at both interactive
and automated data analysis. It seems like a lot of the foundation is
there, though I think doing it right requires more than just an interface
on what exists already. There's more to discuss but hopefully this is
enough to get started. Thanks for taking the time to read this.



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