Hi Curt,

I think the most visible place for now would be creating an issue for

In the future, if you and some others want to have a place to discuss C#
development, you could create a channel in a chat app. For example, Arrow
Rust has both a Slack channel in the official ASF Slack as well as a
Discord channel [1]. There is also Zuliip, which is used by some of the
C++, Python, and R developers. (Although I can't find where this is
documented anymore. This is still around right?). These kinds of places
aren't great to have the discussion themselves most of the time, but are
useful for when you want to post the issue to get attention to a discussion
and are looking for a targeted audience.


Will Jones

[1] https://github.com/apache/arrow-rs#arrow-rust-community

On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 3:20 PM Curt Hagenlocher <c...@hagenlocher.org>

> I'm curious what other (sub-) communities do about implementation-specific
> considerations that aren't directly tied to the Arrow standard. I don't see
> much of that kind of discussion on the dev list; does that mean these
> happen largely in the context of specific pull requests -- or perhaps not
> at all?
> My specific motivation for asking is that there are three similar feature
> requests for C#: 23892 <https://github.com/apache/arrow/issues/23892>,
> 37359
> <https://github.com/apache/arrow/issues/37359> and 35199
> <https://github.com/apache/arrow/issues/35199>. Looking at these, I was
> thinking that the best general solution would be to have the scalar arrays
> in C# implement IReadOnlyList<T?> and ICollection<T?>. The former is a
> strictly-better superset of IEnumerable<T?> which also allows indexing by
> position, while the latter is an unfortunate concession to working well
> with "LINQ" (pre-.NET 9). Implementing ICollection<T?> would allow LINQ's
> "ToList" to just work, and work efficiently.
> But it feels weird to just submit a PR for this kind of implementation
> decision without more feedback from users or potential users, and at the
> same time it doesn't feel significant enough to e.g. write it up in a
> document to submit for review. I could (and will) open a new issue for this
> on GitHub, but it doesn't look like anyone proactively looks at new issues
> to find things to comment on.
> So what do others do?
> Thanks,
> -Curt

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