> thus not join the DataFusion PMC

This is correct, I don't currently have sufficient bandwidth to be able to 
perform such a role to the level that I would expect of others, in addition to 
my existing commitments.

Kind Regards,


On 20 December 2023 20:19:56 GMT, Andy Grove <andygrov...@gmail.com> wrote:
>This list LGTM.
>On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 1:11 PM Andrew Lamb <al...@influxdata.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> As we have discussed previously [1], we are planning to propose [2]
>> "graduating" the DataFusion to its own top level Apache project.
>> I would like to discuss the initial PMC members for the new top level
>> project.  The suggestion in [1] is
>> > All existing Arrow Committers and PMC members who so desired, would start
>> as committers or PMC members on the new DataFusion project (assuming this
>> is allowed by the process)
>> From what I can tell, this means the PMC would be the following from the
>> current Arrow PMC [3]:
>> Andy Grove (NVidia)
>> Andrew Lamb (InfuxData)
>> Daniël Heres (Coralogix)
>> Jie Wen (SelectDB)
>> Kun Liu (Ebay)
>> Liang-Chi Hsieh (Apple)
>> Qingping Hou (Scribd)
>> Will Jones (VoltronData)
>> I think Raphael Taylor-Davies has told me offline he would prefer to focus
>> on Arrow and thus now join the DataFusion PMC, though it would be nice if
>> he could confirm.
>> We also need to propose a chair of the new PMC -- I am happy to help anyone
>> who would like to do this role, or do it myself. Spending a year as the
>> Arrow PMC chair gave me sufficient experience to make sure the process is
>> smooth, in my opinion.
>> If  the new project is approved and created then the initial PMC will
>> invite the relevant existing Arrow commiters as DataFusion committers.
>> Please let me know your thoughts and if there are other existing Arrow PMC
>> members who should be included in the proposal for initial DataFusion PMC.
>> Andrew
>> p.s. As part of this process, I discovered Arrow's origin as a top level
>> project came from splitting off from the Apache Drill project, which I had
>> not previously known
>> [1]: https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion/discussions/6475
>> [2]: https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion/issues/8491
>> [3]: https://arrow.apache.org/committers/

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