
We're discussing how to provide statistics through the C
data interface at:

If you're interested in this feature, could you share your


We can interchange Apache Arrow data by the C data interface
in the same process. For example, we can pass Apache Arrow
data read by Apache Arrow C++ (provider) to DuckDB
(consumer) through the C data interface.

A provider may know Apache Arrow data statistics. For
example, a provider can know statistics when it reads Apache
Parquet data because Apache Parquet may provide statistics.

But a consumer can't know statistics that are known by a
producer. Because there isn't a standard way to provide
statistics through the C data interface. If a consumer can
know statistics, it can process Apache Arrow data faster
based on statistics.



How about providing statistics as a metadata in ArrowSchema?

We reserve "ARROW" namespace for internal Apache Arrow use:


> The ARROW pattern is a reserved namespace for internal
> Arrow use in the custom_metadata fields. For example,
> ARROW:extension:name.

So we can use "ARROW:statistics" for the metadata key.

We can represent statistics as a ArrowArray like ADBC does.

Here is an example ArrowSchema that is for a record batch
that has "int32 column1" and "string column2":

ArrowSchema {
  .format = "+siu",
  .metadata = {
    "ARROW:statistics" => ArrowArray*, /* table-level statistics such as row 
count */
  .children = {
    ArrowSchema {
      .name = "column1",
      .format = "i",
      .metadata = {
        "ARROW:statistics" => ArrowArray*, /* column-level statistics such as 
count distinct */
    ArrowSchema {
      .name = "column2",
      .format = "u",
      .metadata = {
        "ARROW:statistics" => ArrowArray*, /* column-level statistics such as 
count distinct */

The metadata value (ArrowArray* part) of '"ARROW:statistics"
=> ArrowArray*' is a base 10 string of the address of the
ArrowArray. Because we can use only string for metadata
value. You can't release the statistics ArrowArray*. (Its
release is a no-op function.) It follows
semantics. (The base ArrowSchema owns statistics

ArrowArray* for statistics use the following schema:

| Field Name     | Field Type                       | Comments |
|----------------|----------------------------------| -------- |
| key            | string not null                  | (1)      |
| value          | `VALUE_SCHEMA` not null          |          |
| is_approximate | bool not null                    | (2)      |

1. We'll provide pre-defined keys such as "max", "min",
   "byte_width" and "distinct_count" but users can also use
   application specific keys.

2. If true, then the value is approximate or best-effort.

VALUE_SCHEMA is a dense union with members:

| Field Name | Field Type                       | Comments |
|------------|----------------------------------| -------- |
| int64      | int64                            |          |
| uint64     | uint64                           |          |
| float64    | float64                          |          |
| value      | The same type of the ArrowSchema | (3)      |
|            | that is belonged to.             |          |

3. If the ArrowSchema's type is string, this type is also string.

   TODO: Is "value" good name? If we refer it from the
   top-level statistics schema, we need to use
   "value.value". It's a bit strange...

What do you think about this proposal? Could you share your


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