Hi Chuan,

The attachment didn't make it through - could you post a Gist or something?


On Wed, Jul 24, 2024, at 08:06, Zhao, Chuan wrote:
> Hi,
> I am from Teradata and I am working on a POC related to Arrow Flight. 
> Basically, I wanted to send metadata request from the client to Arrow Flight 
> Server which fetches the result from Teradata Database (for example table 
> types) and return it to the client. I want to enable username/password 
> authentication. Please see attached code on server and client side.
> I found an issue when I run the code. Here is the output on server side:
> Flight SQL Server listening at grpc+tls://localhost:3333
> awaiting termination ...
> Metadata(content-type=application/grpc,user-agent=grpc-java-netty/1.63.0,grpc-accept-encoding=gzip,authorization=Basic
>  YXJyb3c6Y2VydA==)
> authenticating user 'arrow' using basic authentication
> Metadata(content-type=application/grpc,user-agent=grpc-java-netty/1.63.0,grpc-accept-encoding=gzip)
> inside method getFlightInfoTableTypes!!
> Metadata(content-type=application/grpc,user-agent=grpc-java-netty/1.63.0,grpc-accept-encoding=gzip,authorization=Basic
>  YXJyb3c6Y2VydA==)
> authenticating user 'arrow' using basic authentication
> Metadata(content-type=application/grpc,user-agent=grpc-java-netty/1.63.0,grpc-accept-encoding=gzip)
> inside method getStreamTableTypes!!
> I printed out incomingHeaders.toString() in authenticate method in my 
> ArrowFlightAuthValidate.java. You can see before going into 
> getFlightInfoTableTypes method, it calls authenticate() two times. The first 
> time comes with authorization info in the header, but not the second time. 
> Same for after calling getFlightInfoTableTypes. I have used latest version 
> 17.0.0 for flight-core, arrow-jdbc and flight-sql on server side and latest 
> flight-sql-jdbc-driver (17.0.0) on client side.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> -Chuan

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