This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Lines 22 (patched)

    Good idea to use a marker interface to identify internal types. I think it 
will be helpful to use a prefix as well, like '__internal'.

Lines 1 (patched)

    Consider adding these types to existing 0010-base_model.json, which has 
definitions for types that are essential for Atlas to function - like DataSet, 

Lines 14 (patched)

    'name' attribute is missing?

Lines 42 (patched)

    Is it necessary to have 'Referenceable' as a super-type for 
AtlasUserSavedSearch? The same for 'AtlasUserProfile' as well.

Lines 39 (patched)

    "AtlasBaseModelObject extends AtlasEntity"? This doesn't look right. Not 
all types derived from AtlasBaseModelObject will be an entity.

Lines 56 (patched)

    This should be:
    Object objSavedSearches = 
    if (objSavedSearches instanceof Collection) {
      Collection collSavedSearches = (Collection)objSavedSearches;
      for (Object objSavedSearch : objSavedSearches) {
        if (objSavedSearch instanceof AtlasObjectId) {
          AtlasObjectId objId = (AtlasObjectId)objSavedSearch;
          AtlasEntity entSavedSearch = 
          if (entSavedSearch != null) {
            this.savedSearches.add(new AtlasUserSavedSearch(savedSearch));

- Madhan Neethiraj

On Sept. 1, 2017, 10:01 p.m., Ashutosh Mestry wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/62039/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Sept. 1, 2017, 10:01 p.m.)
> Review request for atlas, Apoorv Naik, keval bhatt, Madhan Neethiraj, Nixon 
> Rodrigues, and Sarath Subramanian.
> Bugs: ATLAS-2100
>     https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ATLAS-2100
> Repository: atlas
> Description
> -------
> **Background**
> - The new search implementation allows for creation of complex queries.
> - This sub-feature allows for logged in user to persist search definitions 
> created during a session.
> - These search definition once saved are available to the user on subsequent 
> login.
> **Implementation**
> Following implementation approaches were attempted:
> - New types defined in the models json.
> - _Data Access Layer_: This is semi-generic approach that needs some code per 
> implementation.
> - _AtlasEntity_ adapters: This implementation leverages existing type system 
> to create new types. The model is a facade over _AtlasEntity_. 
> - Added REST-layer filtering for internal types.
> - Modified _SearchFilter_ more capable. 
> **_New Entities_**
> - _AtlasUserProfile_
> - _AtlasSavedSearch_
> **_UserProfileService_**
> - Interacts with the new entities and adds operations that are exposed by 
> **_DiscoveryService_**
> - New methods added.
> **Retrieve list of all Saved Searches**
> ```
> curl -g -X GET -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 
> "Cache-Control: no-cache"  "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/v2/search/saved";
> ```
> **Save Search**
> Save this to _savedSearch.json_:
> ```javascript
> {
>     "name": "my_search1",
>     "owerUserName": "admin",
>     "guid": "61613c37-cab8-4ee9-b3e7-590d0694f6e8",
>     "searchParameter": {
>         "typeName": "hive_table",
>         "excludeDeletedEntities": false,
>         "limit": 25,
>         "offset": 0,
>         "entityFilters": {
>             "condition": "AND",
>             "criterion": [
>                 {
>                     "attributeName": "retention",
>                     "operator": "=",
>                     "attributeValue": "10"
>                 },
>                 {
>                     "condition": "OR",
>                     "criterion": [
>                         {
>                             "attributeName": "createTime",
>                             "operator": ">",
>                             "attributeValue": "1111111111"
>                         },
>                         {
>                             "attributeName": "lastAccessTime",
>                             "operator": "<=",
>                             "attributeValue": "2222222222"
>                         }
>                     ]
>                 }
>             ]
>         }
>     }
> }
> ```
> ```javascript
> curl -g -X POST -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 
> "Cache-Control: no-cache"  "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/v2/search/save"; 
> -d @../docs/savedSearch.json
> ```
> **Update Saved Search**
> This will work on existing saved search. Ensure that the parmeter has _guid_ 
> property set.
> ```javascript
> curl -g -X PUT -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 
> "Cache-Control: no-cache"  "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/v2/search/save"; 
> -d @../docs/savedSearch.json
> ```
> **Retrieve Saved Search**
> All searches for the logged in user:
> ```javascript
> curl -g -X GET -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 
> "Cache-Control: no-cache"  "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/v2/search/saved";
> ```
> Specific search for logged in user:
> ```javascript
> curl -g -X GET -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 
> "Cache-Control: no-cache"  
> "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/v2/search/saved/my_search2";
> ```
> Specific search for a specific user:
> ```javascript
> curl -g -X GET -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 
> "Cache-Control: no-cache"  
> "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/v2/search/saved/my_search2?user=admin";
> ```
> **Delete Saved Search**
> ```javascript
> curl -g -X DELETE -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 
> "Cache-Control: no-cache"  
> "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/v2/search/saved/0d0f75ef-b101-466f-843e-60196b81c98e";
> ```
> **REST APIs**
> Irrespective of the plumbing, REST APIs will hide the underlying 
> implementation.
> _AtlasUserProfile_
> ```javascript
> {
> "username": "admin"
> "fullName" : "Admin Admin" 
> "savedSearchParameters": [
>      <array of _AtlasSavedSearch_>
>   ]
> }
> ```
> _AtlasSavedSearch_
> ```javascript
> {
>    "name": "my_search1",
>    "ownerUserName": "admin",
>    "searchParameters": <SearchParameter JSON here> 
> }
> ```
> Diffs
> -----
>   addons/models/0010-base_model.json 7f64d85 
>   addons/models/0011-user-profile_model.json PRE-CREATION 
>   intg/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/AtlasErrorCode.java aa8e3f4 
>   intg/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/model/AtlasBaseModelObject.java 
>   intg/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/model/SearchFilter.java 7dccf5e 
>   intg/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/model/profile/AtlasUserProfile.java 
>   intg/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/model/profile/AtlasUserSavedSearch.java 
> repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/discovery/AtlasDiscoveryService.java
>  8196a67 
> repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/discovery/EntityDiscoveryService.java
>  1e68835 
>   repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/orm/DataAccess.java 
> repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/orm/DataAccessHelper.java
> repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/userprofile/UserProfileService.java
>   repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/util/FilterUtil.java 
> 54d6b40 
> repository/src/test/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/store/graph/AtlasTypeDefGraphStoreTest.java
>  728d418 
> repository/src/test/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/userprofile/UserProfileServiceTest.java
>   webapp/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/web/rest/DiscoveryREST.java 52258e3 
>   webapp/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/web/rest/TypesREST.java c32f36e 
>   webapp/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/web/util/Servlets.java 4a92763 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/62039/diff/2/
> Testing
> -------
> **Deployment**
> - Copy _0010-base_model.json_ & _0011-user-profile_model.json_ to server 
> location: _/usr/hdp/current/atlas-server/models_
> - Deploy _atlas.war_
> **Unit tests**
> Added unit tests for:
> - _UserProfileService_.
> **Functional testing**
> - Verification using CURL calls.
> Thanks,
> Ashutosh Mestry

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