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(Updated Jan. 13, 2018, 8:08 a.m.)

Review request for atlas, keval bhatt, Madhan Neethiraj, Nixon Rodrigues, and 
Sharmadha Sainath.


review comment handle

Bugs: ATLAS-1921

Repository: atlas


When applying filter for integral/float data types , Number picker (the up and 
down button) doesn't do range check according to the data type and lets user go 
up and down and set any value.Hence when filter is applied and search is made , 
500 Internal server error is thrown.

Ex : Maximum value for an integer data type is 2 31 -1 
Number picker for integer allows user go to 2147483648 and throws Invalid 
number exception when searched.

Diffs (updated)

  dashboardv2/public/css/scss/override.scss d21a697 
  dashboardv2/public/js/utils/Enums.js 7aca247 
  dashboardv2/public/js/views/search/QueryBuilderView.js ef84c2f 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/65128/diff/2/

Changes: https://reviews.apache.org/r/65128/diff/1-2/


Done one round of sanity testing with this range :
type:byte   size:8  min:-128                 max:127
type:short  size:16 min:-32768               max:32767
type:char   size:16 min:0                    max:65535
type:int    size:32 min:-2147483648          max:2147483647
type:long   size:64 min:-9223372036854775808 max:9223372036854775807
type:float  size:32 min:1.4E-45              max:3.4028235E38
type:double size:64 min:4.9E-324             max:1.7976931348623157E308


pratik pandey

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