
Suma Shivaprasad commented on ATLAS-360:


Can you pls remove the following and refer to the section which has the same 
steps  in InstallationSyeps.twiki to avoid copies? If theres anything missing 
there , pls add to it

+   * Run the following commands from SOLR_HOME directory to create collections 
in Solr corresponding to the indexes that Atlas uses. In the case that the 
ATLAS and SOLR instance are on 2 different hosts, first copy the required 
configuration files from ATLAS_HOME/conf/solr on the ATLAS instance host to the 
Solr instance host. SOLR_CONF in the below mentioned commands refer to the 
directory where the solr configuration files have been copied to on Solr host:
+   $SOLR_INSTALL_HOME/bin/solr create -c vertex_index -d $SOLR_CONF -shards 
<numShards> -replicationFactor <replicationFactor>
+   $SOLR_INSTALL_HOME/bin/solr create -c edge_index -d $SOLR_CONF -shards 
<numShards> -replicationFactor <replicationFactor>
+   $SOLR_INSTALL_HOME/bin/solr create -c fulltext_index -d $SOLR_CONF -shards 
<numShards> -replicationFactor <replicationFactor>
+  Note: If numShards and replicationFactor are not specified, they default to 
1 which suffices if you are trying out solr with ATLAS on a single node 
instance.  Otherwise specify numShards according to the number of hosts that 
are in the Solr cluster and the maxShardsPerNode configuration.  The number of 
shards cannot exceed the total number of Solr nodes in your SolrCloud cluster
+   * Change ATLAS configuration to point to the Solr instance setup. Please 
make sure the following configurations are set to the below values in 
+   atlas.graph.index.search.backend=solr5
+   atlas.graph.index.search.solr.mode=cloud
+   atlas.graph.index.search.solr.zookeeper-url=<the ZK quorum setup for solr 
as comma separated value> eg:,

> Secure cluster Atlas-solr integration instructions
> --------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ATLAS-360
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ATLAS-360
>             Project: Atlas
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Tom Beerbower
>            Assignee: Tom Beerbower
>         Attachments: ATLAS-360.patch
> Kerberized secure cluster solr configuration instructions for Atlas.

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