
Are these de-facto industry terms in the governance industry? If yes, would 
they make more sense to explore as part of the Business Taxonomy feature that's 
currently in alpha in 0.7, rather than the trait system? 

One differentiation we've been trying to express is that traits (also referred 
to as tags in some places in Atlas) are free form and left to the user using 
them. So, it is hard to use traits in a shared sense or expect to have 
conventional usage. So, traits would probably be a tool for a data scientist to 
quickly annotate something for their own discovery usage later.

Business taxonomy, on the other hand, is something we are thinking as used to 
express standard classification, even if only within an organization, but maybe 
even across industry domains etc. They would likely be created by data stewards 
with knowledge of the domain and their usage would follow established practices 
(authorization controlling who can do what).

Not sure if what we're referring to as "classification" here fits the "traits" 
or "business taxonomy" side more - trying to understand...

From: Mandy Chessell <mandy_chess...@uk.ibm.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 9:56 PM
To: David Radley
Cc: dev@atlas.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Rename trait to classification

Hello David,
I also like the idea of using the term classification.
Typically classifications in governance are ordered sets of values grouped
into a classification scheme.  Is the notion of the classification scheme
also part of the change you are thinking of?

For example, the classification scheme and "unclassified" value which is
the default classification for any data element that has no classification
from this scheme associated with it.  The other values are defined in
increasing levels of sensitivity.  There are also sub-classifications.  So
for example, confidential has sub-classifications of Business
Confidential, Partner Confidential and Personal Confidential.  If a rule
is defined for "confidential", it applies to all three of the

§Confidentiality Classification Scheme
§Confidentiality is used to classify the impact of disclosing information
to unauthorized individuals
•Internal Use
•Business Confidential.
•Partner Confidential.
•Personal Information.
•Sensitive Personal
•Sensitive Financial
•Sensitive Operational
•Restricted Financial
•Restricted Operational
•Trade Secret

The classification schemes create a graduated view of how sensitive data
is.  We would also expect to see classification schemes for other aspects
of governance such as retention, confidence (quality) and criticality.

All the best
Mandy Chessell CBE FREng CEng FBCS
IBM Distinguished Engineer
IBM Analytics Group CTO Office

Master Inventor
Member of the IBM Academy of Technology
Visiting Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of

Email: mandy_chess...@uk.ibm.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/mandy-chessell/22/897/a49

Assistant: Janet Brooks - jsbrook...@uk.ibm.com

From:   David Radley/UK/IBM@IBMGB
To:     dev@atlas.incubator.apache.org
Date:   23/09/2016 17:05
Subject:        Re: Rename trait to classification

Hi Madhan,
That would be great :-)  thanks, David.

From:   Madhan Neethiraj <mad...@apache.org>
To:     "dev@atlas.incubator.apache.org" <dev@atlas.incubator.apache.org>
Date:   23/09/2016 16:48
Subject:        Re: Rename trait to classification
Sent by:        Madhan Neethiraj <mneethi...@hortonworks.com>


I agree on replacing ‘trait’ with ‘Classification’. I guess the name
‘triat’ might have been influenced by Scala (and not from Ranger, which
doesn’t have ‘triat’ in its vocab..).

Instead of renaming in the existing APIs, how about we go with the new
name in the API introduced in ATLAS-1171?


On 9/23/16, 1:35 AM, "David Radley" <david_rad...@uk.ibm.com> wrote:

    I have raised Jira ATLAS-1187. This is to rename trait to
    I know that this would effect the API, so am keen to understand how we

    agree to version the API maybe including other changes. I feel trait
    not very descriptive and I assume comes from Ranger terminology. I
    using classification instead brings us into using terminology better
    representing the Atlas capability and its role in governance use
cases. I
    am keen to get your feedback. I do not feel that I should just submit
    fix like this - I think we need more agreement to account for the
    on current users. At the same time, we are still in incubation we
    be able to make changes like this to polish the API.

    I am looking forward to your thoughts,       David Radley
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