Excellent. Over the last week there's been unanimous support for
graduation, so let's look at the next steps:

Specifically, the community needs to VOTE on a resolution to become a TLP:

The resolution needs to name a Chair/VP for the project. The project
chair has no greater authority than other members of the PMC; it's
largely an administrative role, serving as an interface between the
project and the board. In practice, this requires filing board
reports, creating accounts, that sort of thing. For simplicity,
whoever the PPMC selects as VP can fill out the TLP resolution (mind
the guidance [1]) and start the VOTE thread. [2]

Any other questions about graduation? Any nominations for chair? -C

[1] http://incubator.apache.org/guides/graduation.html#toplevel
[2] When the vote starts, don't forget to send a notice to
general@incubator, so the IPMC is aware that a graduation vote is in

On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 5:44 PM, Chris Douglas <cdoug...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hey Atlas folk-
> The name search JIRA is filled in [1] (thanks Madhan!), pending
> approval from VP trademarks. Independent of its resolution, does the
> community feel it is ready to graduate?
> As far as I've observed, the project is more than ready to be a
> top-level project. Are there any concerns we should discuss before we
> proceed?
> The process, roughly:
> 1. Community discussion of graduation
> 2. [VOTE] to graduate (PPMC votes binding)
> 3. Cite thread in general@incubator for discussion/vote (IPMC votes binding)
> 4. Add a resolution to the board agenda establishing Atlas as a
> top-level project
> 5. ASF board approves the resolution at its next meeting, Atlas becomes a TLP
> The project will also need to pick a chair for the new PMC. We can
> discuss that when we post the resolution. -C
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PODLINGNAMESEARCH-118

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