Weekly GSoC Summaries

Week of June 8th

As a Google Summer of Code student I’m working on a javascript library to
power an interactive web guide to teach how the Aurora CLI works. You
can follow
the project on GitHub <https://github.com/twitter/cli-guide.js/>, and I’ll
share my weekly progress with the community. Here’s an update from last
week’s progress:


   add message yes or no for save content issue #35

      I added 3 functions, you can press Y for create a new file and N for
      cancel and then the nano close the same case with Cancel (ctrl + c) for
      close the message.

   add name of the file in header of nano editor issue #36

      by default if you write nano in terminal in the title show New Buffer
      but you open a file like $ nano test you can see File: test

   add a grid for organize better the structure of elements issue #38

      I added bootstrap-grid for improve the structure of divs

   add history of your recent terminal commands ^up and down issue #41

      I used LocalStorage this feature, you can use next /\ and \/ back for
      see your history.

All of these changes are still in Develop branch you can see the progress
in the demo <http://twitter.github.io/cli-guide.js/demo/index.html>

Willy Aguirre | @willrre
Blog: http://osgux.tumblr.com/
Mozilla Rep: https://reps.mozilla.org/u/Willy/
Mozilla Hispano - Willyaguirre

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