Could you kindly elaborate with an example how the end user can pass in the 
executor of their choice in the API . I remember that other than a name passed 
on the API there was no scope to pass in the path of the custom executor or 
things like Fetcher URI sets that can be downloaded by mesos in the sandbox.
I remember we discussed to make the change like marathon where one can pass in 
all details of the executor from client but you had opposed citing security. 
That should be captured in the ticket. Hence, the patch was made to load up 
selected executors from the scheduler side and depending on the executor name 
passed in the API the relevant executor configs can be used and filled in task.

So kind of confused. Examples will help.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 4, 2015, at 8:17 AM, Bill Farner <> wrote:
> My change in stance partially came from the realization that the scheduler is 
> not currently coupled to the executor implementation.  As a result, an API 
> consumer (bypassing the client) could already use any executor implementation 
> they choose.  This could be interpreted as custom executor support, and i 
> would like to know if that satisfies the general use case.
> I am slightly uneasy about supporting user-selected executors on the 
> scheduler simply because of the complexity that comes with it (the 
> configuration complexity is one, but there will also likely be a need for 
> ACLs, and even greater complexity in the client to support multiple/arbitrary 
> configuration input formats).
> So, my question becomes - is this (end-user-selected executors) a real use 
> case today, or a hypothetical one?  If it a real use case, some elaboration 
> would be useful to make sure we are building the right software for it.
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 9:30 PM, <> wrote:
>> Bill what do you think?
>> Thx
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> > On Nov 2, 2015, at 1:00 PM, Zameer Manji <> wrote:
>> >
>> > +wfarner
>> >
>> > I believe Bill was heavily involved in reviewing the proposed patch and
>> > design. Bill, care to comment on what you think here?
>> >
>> >> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 12:55 PM, <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Do we have a decision on this?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> It would help to know where we stand on this.
>> >>
>> >> Thx
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Sent from my iPhone
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Zameer Manji
>> >>
>> >>

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