I have downloaded and installed the JDK1.5, and tried to get Avalon to compile. It doesn't.

1. There was a variable in a Framework API called "enum", that is now a keyword. This shouldn't affect binary compatibility.

2. The Framework Impl testcase that test the Namespace support fails. This probably affects binary compatibility IF there are namespace declarations in the configuration files (possibly elsewhere).

The problem is possibly only related to IF NOT all the xmlns: declarations are made in the root element.

An IllegalStateException is thrown.

The underlying reason seems be that the org.xml.sax.helpers.NameSpaceSupport class now behaves differently.

This is the xml that is being processed.

    boolAttr="true" floatAttr="1.32"
    <c:element name="a"/>
  <elements-b xmlns="";>
    <element name="b"/>
  <b:elements-b type="type-b"/>

When the parser gets to the <elements-b>, the Exception is thrown.
I think it is a bug in the SAX parser, in that endElement() is called (for </a:elements-a>), and then the startPrefixMapping in o.a.a.f.configuration.NamespacedSAXConfigurationHandler.
I.e. I think the NamespaceSupport require a pushContext() first, but I am not sure.

I will try to resolve this over the next days, but I would appreciate if anyone have any information related to this.

Berin, perhaps???

Cheers Niclas

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