I am working on making all the py and py3 code consistent with
https://github.com/python/black, but once done it’d be great if we could
keep it consistent. I will look into adding hooks and stuff for
yetus/TravisCI, but is there a way to have an automation that can
periodically do all the formatting for us, and open pull requests with any
changes required?

I mean like dependabot, but instead of opening a pr to update dependencies,
it opens a pr that does isort, black, docformatter, or whatever we want.

This way, we get consistent style without it being an “enforcement
priority” in prs by humans. If someone has a valuable contribution, we
don’t have to do a back-and-forth with them about style and formatting.

If there’s interest I could look into implementing something with existing
CI tools, or using github actions.

What do y’all think?

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