Hello!  I've been going through some code that should be cleaned up if
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AVRO-2492 is applied (removing
one of the deprecated record schema constructores).

In the meantime, I have a question about names in general.  I noticed
in the spec:


<heavily snipped>
* To match, one of the following must hold:
  - both schemas are records with the same name
* If both are records;
  - <more criteria with respect to fields>

In 1.9.1, "the same name" was changed to "the same (unqualified) name"

For reading records, I have definitely observed that the reader and
writer schema can have different top-level record names and work
together successfully -- implying that the name isn't taken into
account at all.

Is the spec wrong, or the implementation?  Is this behaviour
consistent across named schemas?  I seem to recall that when resolving
a record against a union, the name is *preferred* if available.

All my best, Ryan

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