Hi Sebastian,

thanks for your feedback. We will provide more details in future
announcement emails.

My intention was to avoid superfluous text, since Apache Spark is
a well known project and the Apache Bahir extensions to Spark are
only of interest to people who are already familiar with Spark.

The Bahir extensions for Apache Flink are released separately.


On 22 February 2017 at 07:28:43 AM, Sebastian Bazley wrote:
> What is the project about? Why should I be interested in it?
> [rhetorical questions]
> The Announce emails are sent to people not on the developer or user lists.
> Most will have no idea what the project is about.
> So the e-mails should contain at least brief details of what the
> product does, and some info on why the new release might be of
> interest to them.
> Although the mail mentions extensions to Apache Spark, it does not say
> what Spark does.
> Also, the Bahir home page mentions Apache Flink, but there do not seem
> to be any extensions for Flink.
> If Bahir supports both, I would expect the release to contain both.
> Readers should not have to click the link to find out the basic
> (although of course it is useful to have such links for further detail).
> Please can you add that information to future announce mails?
> Thanks.
> On 22 February 2017 at 12:07, Christian Kadner wrote:
> > The Apache Bahir community is pleased to announce the release
> > of Apache Bahir 2.1.0 which provides the following extensions for
> > Apache Spark 2.1.0:
> >
> >    - Akka Streaming
> >    - MQTT Streaming
> >    - MQTT Structured Streaming
> >    - Twitter Streaming
> >    - ZeroMQ Streaming
> >
> > For more information about Apache Bahir and to download the
> > latest release go to:
> >
> >     http://bahir.apache.org
> >
> > The Apache Bahir streaming connectors are also available at:
> >
> >     https://spark-packages.org/?q=bahir
> >
> > ---
> > Best regards,
> > Christian Kadner

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