I think this is a great idea. I also participated in GSOC once.

I've been particularly interested in coming up with great new applications
of Beam to new domains. In chatting with professors at the University of
Washington, I've learned that scholars of many fields would really like to
explore new and highly customized ways of processing the growing body of
publicly-available scholarly documents. This seems like a great project,
since we love doing this to Shakespeare's works, and there are thousands of
times as many public articles so there's non-toy scale issues. And yet, it
does seem like it can be scoped appropriately.

The deadline for a mentoring organization is Feb 9 so let's put together a


On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 3:25 PM, Pablo Estrada <pabl...@google.com.invalid>

> Hi there,
> The GSOC 2017 [1] is coming soon. I figured it would be nice if we could
> find small projects that a student could implement this summer. Apache
> already takes part in this, and all we'd need to do is label Jira issues as
> GSOC projects. Any ideas for projects?
> As a note, during my grad school I participated in GSOC a couple of times
> and I'd say they were some of my most rewarding development experiences.
> [1] - https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/

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