Hi Andrew,

I'm excited to hear you're working on an I/O - I'd love to hear any
feedback about the docs we've got written so far. Sorry they're in a
partially completed state.

Are you looking to develop in python or java? There's more specific docs
for python available in the python SDK guide
https://beam.apache.org/documentation/sdks/python/ (see "creating new
sources and sinks") - part of the Todo is to port that content over. :)

I would strongly recommend checking out the PTransform style guide -
https://beam.apache.org/contribute/ptransform-style-guide/ (if that didn't
catch your eye as important to read, I should probably make it more obvious
since it's got a lot of very relevant information.)

The other piece that is in draft form and not on the website yet is the
testing guide - the draft is available at
if you need any clarification/have questions, feel free to add a comment
there and we'll follow up.

You may also want to comment on
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-1271 since that's the Jira issue
for development of Accumulo read/write transforms. Looking at that issue, I
don't believe it's in active development.

If you've got specific questions, sending them to this mailing list will
definitely get you some help.


On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 9:20 AM Andrew Jessup <andrew.jes...@gmail.com>

> Good Morning Beam Devs!
> I was looking through the beam dev docs and saw a TODO in the authoring IO
> section. I was wondering if this had been completed or is located elsewhere
> on the website.
> (https://beam.apache.org/documentation/io/authoring-overview/)
> I am working on making IO for Apache Accumulo and I just wanted to make
> sure I am going about things the right way. Lastly, if there is any direct
> POC's for this topic specifically, that information would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Andrew
> --
> From the Office of
> Andrew Jessup
> Laurel,MD

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