On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 12:07 PM, Davor Bonaci <da...@apache.org> wrote:

> I'd like to propose the following (tweaked) process for this special
> release:
> * Create a release branch, and start building release candidates *now*
> This would accelerate branch creation compared to the normal process, but
> would separate the first stable release from other development on the
> master branch. This yields to stability and avoids unnecessary churn.

+1 to cutting a release branch now.

This sounds compatible with the release process [1] to me, actually. This
thread seems like the dev@ thread where we "decide to release" and I agree
that we should decide to release. Certainly `master` is not ready nor is
the web site - there are ~29 issues as I write this though many are not
really significant code changes. But we should never wait until `master` is

We know what we want to get done, and there are no radical changes, so I
think that makes this the right time to branch. We can easily cherry pick
fixes for our burndown list to ensure we don't introduce additional

Some of the burndown list are of the form "investigate if this suspected
bug still repros" and a release candidate is the perfect thing to use for

[1] https://beam.apache.org/contribute/release-guide/#decide-to-release

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