The JIRA issue suggests requiring an explicit Window when emitting from finshBundle. I'm starting a thread because JIRA/GitHub probably isn't the best (or most efficient) place to have this discussion.
The original Spec requires the ambient WindowFn to be a non-element-inspecting, non-timestamp-inspecting Fn (currently, only the GlobalWindowsFn) and at the time this was chosen (after much deliberation) over requiring a WindowedValue or other options because batching in batch mode was a very commonly used pattern (and it should be noted that patterns of using state and/or a window expiry callback doesn't address this case well due to the lack of key with which to store state and distant (if ever) expiration of the window). The downside, of course, is that trying to use such a DoFn in a windowed context will not be caught until runtime. The proposal to emit WindowedValues has exactly the same downside, but the runtime error obtained when explicitly emitting a GlobalWindow when the ambient WindowFn is different will likely be much less clear (an encoding exception in the best case, silent data corruption in the worse). This also requires more boilerplate on the part of the author, and doesn't solve the enumerated issues of limiting which WindowFns can be used, choosing a timestamp, or bogus proto windows. Ideally we could catch such an error at pipeline construction time (or earlier) but there have been no proposals along this line yet. However, this is a stable-release-blocker, so we should come up with a (temporary at least) course of action soon. At the very least it seems we should accept emitting a Timestamped value as well, to which most WindowFns can be applied. - Robert