+1 but maybe go ever further

On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 8:25 PM, Eugene Kirpichov <
kirpic...@google.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've worked on a few different things recently and ran repeatedly into the
> same issue: that we do not have clear guidance on who should set the Coder
> on a PCollection: is it responsibility of the PTransform that outputs it,
> or is it responsibility of the user, or is it sometimes one and sometimes
> the other?

I think it is more ambiguous than even this, since often we expect a third
option: the Pipeline propagates them automatically via common type
variables, as in Filter :: PTransform<T, T>.

The unfortunate part is that this is only a best-effort process due to
erasure and the complexities of type equivalence. I'm not convinced it is
unsolvable but I don't necessarily think we should put our effort into
solving it.

> I believe that the answer is "it's responsibility of the transform" and
> moreover that  ideally PCollection.setCoder() should not exist. Instead:

I would actually like this instead to be a requirement to provide a fully
concrete type descriptor when creating a new PCollection. This allows more
flexibility to easily infer a coder for the type. Ideally, .getCoder()
would be deprecated as well and this all moved to a phase after

In particular: I'd like to change our current practice of GBK crashing when
a key coder is nondeterministic. Instead, inference should call
"getDeterministicCoder" when it is known to be necessary. Lots of types
might have a deterministic coder that is more costly, and we can enable
this as an optimization choice. The transform producing a PCollection
cannot know that it will be used for a GBK. The pipeline also cannot know
when it tries to infer it without knowing what transform is taking it as
input. It has to be part of a more holistic analysis.

And it seems nice to build a whole pipeline and then apply coders as
specified by what is registered. So the same construction can be
transparently improved if a better coder is concocted. This is likely not
possible if transforms set up the coders a priori.

So my perfect world is "no coders during construction".


- Require that all transforms set a Coder on the PCollection's they produce
> - i.e. it should never be responsibility of the user to "fix up" a coder on
> a PCollection produced by a transform.
> - Since all transforms are composed of primitive transforms, saying
> "transforms must set a Coder" means simply that all *primitive* transforms
> must set a Coder on their output.
> - In some cases, a primitive PTransform currently doesn't have enough
> information to infer a coder for its output collection - e.g.
> ParDo.of(DoFn<InputT, OutputT>) might be unable to infer a coder for
> OutputT. In that case such transforms should allow the user to provide a
> coder: ParDo.of(DoFn).withOutputCoder(...) [note that this differs from
> requiring the user to set a coder on the resulting collection]
> - Corollary: composite transforms need to only configure their primitive
> transforms (and composite sub-transforms) properly, and give them a Coder
> if needed.
> - Corollary: a PTransform with type parameters <FooT, BarT, ...> needs to
> be configurable with coders for all of these, because the implementation of
> the transform may change and it may introduce intermediate collections
> involving these types. However, in many cases, some of these type
> parameters appear in the type of the transform's input, e.g. a
> PTransform<PCollection<KV<FooT, BarT>>, PCollection<MooT>> will always be
> able to extract the coders for FooT and BarT from the input PCollection, so
> the user does not need to provide them. However, a coder for BarT must be
> provided. I think in most cases the transform needs to be configurable only
> with coders for its output.
> Here's a smooth migration path to accomplish the above:
> - Make PCollection.createPrimitiveOutputInternal() take a Coder.
> - Make all primitive transforms optionally configurable with a coder for
> their outputs, such as ParDo.of(DoFn).withOutputCoder().
> - By using the above, make all composite transforms shipped with the SDK
> set a Coder on the collections they produce; in some cases, this will
> require adding a withSomethingCoder() option to the transform and
> propagating that coder to its sub-transforms. If the option is unset,
> that's fine for now.
> - As a result of the above, get rid of all setCoder() calls in the Beam
> repo. The call will still be there, but it will just not be used anywhere
> in the SDK or examples, and we can mark it deprecated.
> - Add guidance to PTransform Style Guide in line with the above
> Does this sound like a good idea? I'm not sure how urgent it would be to
> actually do this, but I'd like to know whether people agree that this is a
> good goal in general.

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