On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 1:59 PM, Robert Bradshaw <
rober...@google.com.invalid> wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 1:13 AM, Reuven Lax <re...@google.com.invalid>
> wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 10:52 PM, Robert Bradshaw <
> >> The question here is whether the ordering is part of the "content" of
> >> an iterable.
> >
> > My initial instinct was to say yes - but maybe it should not be until
> Beam
> > has a first-class notion of sorted values after a GBK?
> Yeah, I'm not sure on this either. Interestingly, if we consider
> ordering to be important, than the composite gbk + ungroup will be
> stable despite its components not being so.
> >> >> As I mention above, the iterable is semantically [part of] a single
> >> >> element. So just to unpack this, to make sure we are talking about
> the
> >> same
> >> >> thing, I think you are talking about GBK as implemented via GBKO +
> >> >>
> >> >> When the output of GABW is required to be stable but the output of
> >> is
> >> >> not stable, we don't have stability for free in all cases by
> inserting a
> >> >> GBK, but require something more to make the output of GABW stable, in
> >> the
> >> >> worst case a full materialization.
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> > Correct. My point is that there are alternate, cheaper ways of doing
> >> this.
> >> > If GABW stores state in an ordered list, it can simply checkpoint a
> >> market
> >> > into that list to ensure that the output is stabl.
> >>
> >> In the presence of non-trivial triggering and/or late data, I'm not so
> >> sure this is "easy." E.g. A bundle may fail, and more data may come in
> >> from upstream (and get appended to the buffer) before it is retried.
> >>
> >
> > That will still work. If the subsequent ParDo has processed the Iterable,
> > that means we'll have successfully checkpointed a marker to the list
> (using
> > whatever technique the runner supports). More data coming in will get
> > appended after the marker, so we can ensure that the retry still sees the
> > same elements in the Iterable.
> I'm thinking of the following.
> 1. (k, v1) and (k, v2) come into the GABW and [v1, v2] gets stored in
> the state. A trigger gets set.
> 2. The trigger is fired and (k, [v1, v2]) gets sent downstream, but
> for some reason fails.
> 3. (k, v3) comes into the GABW and [v3] gets appended to the state.
> 4. The trigger is again fired, and this time (k, [v1, v2, v3]) is sent
> downstream.
If you add the annotation specifying stableinput, then we will not do this.
Before we send anything downstream, we will add a marker to the list, and
only forward data downstream once the marker has been checkpointed. This
adds a bit of cost and latency of course, but the assumption is that adding
this annotation will always add some cost.

> It is unclear when a marker would be added to the list. Is this in
> step 2 which, despite failing, still result in modified state [v1, v2,
> marker]? (And this state modification would have to be committed
> before attempting the bundle, in case the "failure" was something like
> a VM shutdown.) And only on success the state is modified to be (say
> this is accumulating mode) [v1, v2]?
> I think it could be done, but it may significantly complicate things.

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