Wait, but what about Tika doing checks like Zip bombs, etc ? Tika is expected to decompress itself, while ReadableFile has the content decompressed.

The other point is that Tika reports the names of the zipped files too, in the content, as you can see from TikaIOTest#readZippedPdfFile.

Can we assume that if Metadata does not point to the local file then it can be opened as a URL stream ? The same issue affects TikaConfig, so I'd rather have a solution which will work for MatchResult.Metadata and TikaConfig

Thanks, Sergey
On 04/10/17 22:02, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
Good point...


On 04/10/17 18:24, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
Can TikaInputStream consume a regular InputStream? If so, you can apply it
to Channels.newInputStream(channel). If not, applying it to the filename
extracted from Metadata won't work either because it can point to a file
that's not on the local disk.

On Wed, Oct 4, 2017, 10:08 AM Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm starting moving toward

class TikaIO {
    public static ParseAllToString parseAllToString() {..}
    class ParseAllToString extends PTransform<PCollection<ReadableFile>,
PCollection<ParseResult>> {
      ...configuration properties...
      expand {
        return input.apply(ParDo.of(new ParseToStringFn))
      class ParseToStringFn extends DoFn<...> {...}

as suggested by Eugene

The initial migration seems to work fine, except that ReadableFile and
in particular, ReadableByteChannel can not be consumed by
TikaInputStream yet (I'll open an enhancement request), besides, it's
better let Tika to unzip if needed given that a lot of effort went in
Tika into detecting zip security issues...

So I'm typing it as

class ParseAllToString extends
PTransform<PCollection<MatchResult.Metadata>, PCollection<ParseResult>>

Cheers, Sergey

On 02/10/17 12:03, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
Thanks for the review, please see the last comment:


(sorry for the possible duplication - but I'm not sure that GitHub will
propagate it - as I can not see a comment there that I left on Saturday).

Cheers, Sergey
On 29/09/17 10:21, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
On 28/09/17 17:09, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
Hi! Glad the refactoring is happening, thanks!

Thanks for getting me focused on having TikaIO supporting the simpler
(and practical) cases first :-)
It was auto-assigned to Reuven as formal owner of the component. I
reassigned it to you.
OK, thanks...

On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 7:57 AM Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com



I started looking at

and pushed some initial code to my tikaio branch introducing
and updating the tests but keeping the BounderSource/Reader, dropping
the asynchronous parsing code, and few other bits.

Just noticed it is assigned to Reuven - does it mean Reuven is looking
into it too or was it auto-assigned ?

I don't mind, would it make sense for me to do an 'interim' PR on
what've done so far before completely removing BoundedSource/Reader
based code ?

Yes :)

I did commit yesterday to my branch, and it made its way to the
pending PR (which I forgot about) where I only tweaked a couple of doc
typos, so I renamed that PR:


(The build failures are apparently due to the build timeouts)

As I mentioned, in this PR I updated the existing TikaIO test to work
with ParseResult, at the moment a file location as its property. Only
a file name can easily be saved, I thought it might be important where
on the network the file is - may be copy it afterwards if needed, etc.
I'd also have no problems with having it typed as a K key, was only
trying to make it a bit simpler at the start.

I'll deal with the new configurations after a switch. TikaConfig would
most likely still need to be supported but I recall you mentioned the
way it's done now will make it work only with the direct runner. I
guess I can load it as a URL resource... The other bits like providing
custom content handlers, parsers, input metadata, may be setting the
max size of the files, etc, can all be added after a switch.

Note I haven't dealt with a number of your comments to the original
code which can still be dealt with in the current code - given that
most of that code will go with the next PR anyway.

Please review or merge if it looks like it is a step in the right

I have another question anyway,

E.g. TikaIO could:
- take as input a PCollection<ReadableFile>
- return a PCollection<KV<String, TikaIO.ParseResult>>, where
is a class with properties { String content, Metadata metadata }
- be configured by: a Parser (it implements Serializable so can be
specified at pipeline construction time) and a ContentHandler whose
toString() will go into "content". ContentHandler does not implement
Serializable, so you can not specify it at construction time -
can let the user specify either its class (if it's a simple handler
BodyContentHandler) or specify a lambda for creating the handler
(SerializableFunction<Void, ContentHandler>), and potentially you can
a simpler facade for Tika.parseAsString() - e.g. call it

Example usage would look like:

     PCollection<KV<String, ParseResult>> parseResults =


           .withParser(new AutoDetectParser())
           .withContentHandler(() -> new BodyContentHandler(new

You could also have shorthands for letting the user avoid using
directly in simple cases, for example:

This would of course be implemented as a ParDo or even MapElements,
you'll be able to share the code between parseAll and regular parse.

I'd like to understand how to do


Right now I have TikaIO.Read extending
PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<ParseResult>

and then the boilerplate code which builds Read when I do something


What is the convention for supporting something like
TikaIO.parse().from(filepattern) to be implemented as a ParDo, can I
some example ?

There are a number of IOs that don't use Source - e.g. DatastoreIO and
JdbcIO. TextIO.readMatches() might be an even better transform to
Note that in TikaIO you probably won't need a fusion break after the
since there's 1 result per input file.

OK, I'll have a look

Cheers, Sergey

Many thanks, Sergey

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