See <>

GitHub pull request #4042 of commit 2549c2a0b7fd7d39ef94bb1689165717bbe28d5c, 
no merge conflicts.
Setting status of 2549c2a0b7fd7d39ef94bb1689165717bbe28d5c to PENDING with url and message: 'Build started 
sha1 is merged.'
Using context: Jenkins: Seed Job
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on beam4 (beam) in workspace 
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git fetch --tags --progress 
 > +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* 
 > +refs/pull/4042/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/4042/*
 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/pr/4042/merge^{commit} # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/pr/4042/merge^{commit} # timeout=10
Checking out Revision 44e87e15658d9c778cc1110fc05e826163e263fa 
Commit message: "Merge 2549c2a0b7fd7d39ef94bb1689165717bbe28d5c into 
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 44e87e15658d9c778cc1110fc05e826163e263fa
First time build. Skipping changelog.
Cleaning workspace
 > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10
Resetting working tree
 > git reset --hard # timeout=10
 > git clean -fdx # timeout=10
Processing DSL script job_00_seed.groovy
Processing DSL script job_beam_Java_Build.groovy
Processing DSL script job_beam_Java_CodeHealth.groovy
Processing DSL script job_beam_Java_IntegrationTest.groovy
Processing DSL script job_beam_Java_UnitTest.groovy
Processing DSL script job_beam_PerformanceTests_Dataflow.groovy
Processing DSL script job_beam_PerformanceTests_JDBC.groovy
Processing DSL script job_beam_PerformanceTests_Python.groovy
ERROR: (common_job_properties.groovy, line 151) No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) 
values: [Jenkins: ]
Possible solutions: wait(), any(), wait(long), split(java.lang.String), 
each(groovy.lang.Closure), any(groovy.lang.Closure)

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