Hi Dan - thanks for bringing this up to my attention. I haven't raised this
up to the tradema...@apache.org people. Can I just reach out to them to get
the proposal or should one of the PMCs do this?

Gris Cuevas Zambrano


Open Source Strategy

345 Spear Street, San Francisco, 94105

On 26 October 2017 at 18:30, Daniel Kulp <dk...@apache.org> wrote:

> Have you run this through tradema...@apache.org yet?
> I bring this up for two reasons:
> 1) We would need to make sure the appearance and such of the logo is
> “correct”
> 2).A few years ago, Apache did have a partnership with a company that
> would produce various swag things and then donate a portion back to
> Apache.   I don’t know what the state of that agreement is and whether that
> would restrict going to another vendor or something.
> Dan
> > On Oct 25, 2017, at 8:51 AM, Griselda Cuevas <g...@google.com.INVALID>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Everyone,
> >
> > I'd like to propose the creation of an online swag store for Apache Beam
> where anyone could order swag from a wide selection and get it deliver to
> their home or office. I got in touch with a provider who could include this
> service as part of an order I'm placing to send swag for the Meetups we're
> organizing this year. What do you think?
> >
> > I'd also like to get your feedback on the swag I'm requesting (you can
> see it in the pdf I attached), what do you think of the colors, design,
> etc.?
> >
> > Lastly, I'll be ordering swag for Meetup organized this year so if
> you're hosting one or speaking at one get in touch with me to send some!
> >
> > Cheers,
> > G
> --
> Daniel Kulp
> dk...@apache.org - http://dankulp.com/blog
> Talend Community Coder - http://coders.talend.com

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