Some ideas I have around the issues mentioned before:

* Annual User Survey

One important thing we should do is some sort of annual survey of
users to have some feedback on the state of the Beam from the users
point of view, we can take for example as a template the survey done
by the Rust community or others, and maybe run it like we did for the
Java 8 poll on twitter.

* An event webpage / calendar

So everyone who organizes an event can add their events there and we
can also share them in advance in the mailing lists.


On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 4:17 AM, Austin Bennett
<> wrote:
> Think that Beam's great, so happy to grow community -- by my individual
> involvement and to encourage others.
> 1). Users:  I think that this can follow from the others being done well
> 2).  Contributors: some other projects mark very simple contributions for
> newcomers to find as onramping.  Hadn't noticed that here in the little I
> had explored.
> 3-5). Community/Event/Brand:  Beam is inherently collaborative given its
> model and what I understand of purpose (different runners, batch/stream,
> etc).  An easy place to start will be places that play very well and/or
> integrate with.
> On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 3:27 PM, Griselda Cuevas <> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Thanks Davor for starting the discussion around the state of the Apache
>> Beam in 2017[1]. In this fork of that conversation, I’d like to continue the
>> dialogue around how should we grow our community in alignment to the
>> project's vision, goals & values.
>> Here are some areas and prompts to guide the conversation. If there are
>> other ideas related to community growth missing here, please add them in
>> this thread as well.
>> New users: How could the community help potential and new users learn
>> about Beam? How can we support questions from users better?
>> New contributors: What are our contributions Best Practices and how can we
>> share them with new members? How could the community help new contributors
>> ramp up faster in our Project’s dev environment? How could we empower new
>> developers to contribute to Beam’s core features?
>> Community engagement: What type of activities and efforts would you like
>> to see to increase our community engagement?
>> Events: What events should we attend? What events should we sponsor? How
>> could we support community led events better?
>> Brand building: What efforts do you think we should do to build our brand?
>> What use cases, ideas, talks, etc. should we collaborate on to give the
>> project more visibility?
>> If there’s interest, I’d also be happy to host a virtual meeting for
>> anyone who’d prefer that avenue of discussion and will make sure that any
>> new ideas or details are brought back to the discussion threads after that.
>> Express interest in a virtual meeting in this thread so I can coordinate.
>> Thanks, and let’s make this an exciting community!
>> Gris Cuevas
>> [1]

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