Hi,  I was wondering if anyone has encountered or used Beam in the following 
manner:   1. During machine learning training, use Beam to create the event 
table. The flow may consist of some joins, aggregations, row-based 
transformations, etc...  2. Once the model is created, deploy the model to some 
scoring service via PMML (or some other scoring service).  3. Enable the SAME 
transformations used in #1 by using a separate engine but thereby guaranteeing 
that it will transform the data identically as the engine used in #1.
  I think this is a pretty interesting use case where Beam is used to guarantee 
portability across engines and deployment (batch to true streaming, not 
micro-batch). What's not clear to me is with respect to how batch joins would 
translate during one-by-one scoring (probably lookups) or how aggregations 
given that some kind of history would need to be stored (and how much is kept 
is configurable too).

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