I think so too but `pc.apply(AddHints.of(hint1, hint2, hint3))` is a bit
ambiguous for me (is it affecting the previous collection?)

Maybe AddHints.on(collection, hint1, hint2, ...) is an acceptable
compromise? Less fluent but not ambiguous (based on the same pattern as

Romain Manni-Bucau
@rmannibucau <https://twitter.com/rmannibucau> |  Blog
<https://rmannibucau.metawerx.net/> | Old Blog
<http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com> | Github <https://github.com/rmannibucau> |
LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/rmannibucau>

2018-01-30 21:00 GMT+01:00 Reuven Lax <re...@google.com>:

> I think the hints would logically be metadata in the pcollection, just
> like coder and schema.
> On Jan 30, 2018 11:57 AM, "Jean-Baptiste Onofré" <j...@nanthrax.net> wrote:
>> Great idea for AddHints.of() !
>> What would be the resulting PCollection ? Just a PCollection of hints or
>> the pc elements + hints ?
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On 30/01/2018 20:52, Reuven Lax wrote:
>>> I think adding hints for runners is reasonable, though hints should
>>> always be assumed to be optional - they shouldn't change semantics of the
>>> program (otherwise you destroy the portability promise of Beam). However
>>> there are many types of hints that some runners might find useful (e.g.
>>> this step needs more memory. this step runs ML algorithms, and should run
>>> on a machine with GPUs. etc.)
>>> Robert has mentioned in the past that we should try and keep PCollection
>>> an immutable object, and not introduce new setters on it. We slightly break
>>> this already today with PCollection.setCoder, and that has caused some
>>> problems. Hints can be set on PTransforms though, and propagate to that
>>> PTransform's output PCollections. This is nearly as easy to use however, as
>>> we can implement a helper PTransform that can be used to set hints. I.e.
>>> pc.apply(AddHints.of(hint1, hint2, hint3))
>>> Is no harder than called pc.addHint()
>>> Reuven
>>> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 11:39 AM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net
>>> <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net>> wrote:
>>>     Maybe I should have started the discussion on the user mailing list:
>>>     it would be great to have user feedback on this, even if I got your
>>>     points.
>>>     Sometime, I have the feeling that whatever we are proposing and
>>>     discussing, it doesn't go anywhere. At some point, to attract more
>>>     people, we have to get ideas from different perspective/standpoint.
>>>     Thanks for the feedback anyway.
>>>     Regards
>>>     JB
>>>     On 30/01/2018 20:27, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
>>>         2018-01-30 19:52 GMT+01:00 Kenneth Knowles <k...@google.com
>>>         <mailto:k...@google.com> <mailto:k...@google.com
>>>         <mailto:k...@google.com>>>:
>>>              I generally like having certain "escape hatches" that are
>>> well
>>>              designed and limited in scope, and anything that turns out
>>>         to be
>>>              important becomes first-class. But this one I don't really
>>> like
>>>              because the use cases belong elsewhere. Of course, they
>>>         creep so you
>>>              should assume they will be unbounded in how much gets
>>>         stuffed into
>>>              them. And the definition of a "hint" is that deleting it
>>>         does not
>>>              change semantics, just performance/monitor/UI etc but this
>>>         does not
>>>              seem to be true.
>>>              "spark.persist" for idempotent replay in a sink:
>>>                - this is already @RequiresStableInput
>>>                - it is not a hint because if you don't persist your
>>>         results are
>>>              incorrect
>>>                - it is a property of a DoFn / transform not a PCollection
>>>         Let's put this last point aside since we'll manage to make it
>>>         working wherever we store it ;).
>>>              schema:
>>>                - should be first-class
>>>         Except it doesn't make sense everywhere. It is exactly like
>>>         saying "implement this" and 2 lines later "it doesn't do
>>>         anything for you". If you think wider on schema you will want to
>>>         do far more - like getting them from the previous step etc... -
>>>         which makes it not an API thing. However, with some runner like
>>>         spark, being able to specifiy it will enable to optimize the
>>>         execution. There is a clear mismatch between a consistent and
>>>         user friendly generic and portable API, and a runtime, runner
>>>         specific, implementation.
>>>         This is all fine as an issue for a portable API and why all EE
>>>         API have a map to pass properties somewhere so I don't see why
>>>         beam wouldn't fall in that exact same bucket since it embraces
>>>         the drawback of the portability and we already hit it since
>>>         several releases.
>>>              step parallelism (you didn't mention but most runners need
>>> some
>>>              control):
>>>                - this is a property of the data and the pipeline
>>>         together, not
>>>              just the pipeline
>>>         Good one but this can be configured from the pipeline or even a
>>>         transform. This doesn't mean the data is not important - and you
>>>         are more than right on that point, just that it is configurable
>>>         without referencing the data (using ranges is a trivial example
>>>         even if not the most efficient).
>>>              So I just don't actually see a use case for free-form hints
>>>         that we
>>>              haven't already covered.
>>>         There are several cases, even in the direct runner to be able to
>>>         industrialize it:
>>>         - use that particular executor instance
>>>         - debug these infos for that transform
>>>         etc...
>>>         As a high level design I think it is good to bring hints to beam
>>>         to avoid to add ad-hoc solution each time and take the risk to
>>>         loose the portability of the main API.
>>>              Kenn
>>>              On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 9:55 AM, Romain Manni-Bucau
>>>              <rmannibu...@gmail.com <mailto:rmannibu...@gmail.com>
>>>         <mailto:rmannibu...@gmail.com <mailto:rmannibu...@gmail.com>>>
>>>         wrote:
>>>                  Lukasz, the point is that you have to choice to either
>>>         bring all
>>>                  specificities to the main API which makes most of the
>>>         API not
>>>                  usable or implemented or the opposite, not support
>>>         anything.
>>>                  Introducing hints will allow to have eagerly for some
>>>         runners
>>>                  some features - or just some very specific things - and
>>>         once
>>>                  mainstream it can find a place in the main API. This is
>>>         saner
>>>                  than the opposite since some specificities can never
>>>         find a good
>>>                  place.
>>>                  The little thing we need to take care with that is to
>>>         avoid to
>>>                  introduce some feature flipping as support some feature
>>> not
>>>                  doable with another runner. It should really be about
>>>         runing a
>>>                  runner execution (like the schema in spark).
>>>                  Romain Manni-Bucau
>>>                  @rmannibucau <https://twitter.com/rmannibucau
>>>         <https://twitter.com/rmannibucau>> | Blog
>>>                  <https://rmannibucau.metawerx.net/
>>>         <https://rmannibucau.metawerx.net/>> | Old Blog
>>>                  <http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com
>>>         <http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com>> | Github
>>>                  <https://github.com/rmannibucau
>>>         <https://github.com/rmannibucau>> | LinkedIn
>>>                  <https://www.linkedin.com/in/rmannibucau
>>>         <https://www.linkedin.com/in/rmannibucau>>
>>>                  2018-01-30 18:42 GMT+01:00 Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>>         <j...@nanthrax.net <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net>
>>>                  <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net>>>:
>>>                      Good point Luke: in that case, the hint will be
>>>         ignored by
>>>                      the runner if the hint is not for him. The hint can
>>> be
>>>                      generic (not specific to a runner). It could be
>>>         interesting
>>>                      for the schema support or IOs, not specific to a
>>>         runner.
>>>                      What do you mean by gathering
>>>         PTransforms/PCollections and
>>>                      where ?
>>>                      Thanks !
>>>                      Regards
>>>                      JB
>>>                      On 30/01/2018 18:35, Lukasz Cwik wrote:
>>>                          If the hint is required to run the persons
>>> pipeline
>>>                          well, how do you expect that the person we be
>>>         able to
>>>                          migrate their pipeline to another runner?
>>>                          A lot of hints like "spark.persist" are really
>>>         the user
>>>                          trying to tell us something about the
>>>         PCollection, like
>>>                          it is very small. I would prefer if we gathered
>>>         this
>>>                          information about PTransforms and PCollections
>>>         instead
>>>                          of runner specific knobs since then each runner
>>> can
>>>                          choose how best to map such a property on their
>>>         internal
>>>                          representation.
>>>                          On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 2:21 AM, Jean-Baptiste
>>>         Onofré
>>>                          <j...@nanthrax.net <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net>
>>>         <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net>>
>>>                          <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net
>>>         <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net> <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net
>>>         <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net>>>> wrote:
>>>                               Hi,
>>>                               As part of the discussion about schema,
>>> Romain
>>>                          mentioned hint. I
>>>                               think it's
>>>                               worth to have an explanation about that and
>>>                          especially it could be
>>>                               wider than
>>>                               schema.
>>>                               Today, to give information to the runner,
>>>         we use
>>>                          PipelineOptions.
>>>                               The runner can
>>>                               use these options, and apply for all inner
>>>                          representation of the
>>>                               PCollection in
>>>                               the runner.
>>>                               For instance, for the Spark runner, the
>>>         persistence
>>>                          storage level
>>>                               (memory, disk,
>>>                               ...) can be defined via pipeline options.
>>>                               Then, the Spark runner automatically
>>>         defines if
>>>                          RDDs have to be
>>>                               persisted (using
>>>                               the storage level defined in the pipeline
>>>         options),
>>>                          for instance if
>>>                               the same
>>>                               POutput/PCollection is read several time.
>>>                               However, the user doesn't have any way to
>>>         provide
>>>                          indication to the
>>>                               runner to
>>>                               deal with a specific PCollection.
>>>                               Imagine, the user has a pipeline like this:
>>>                               pipeline.apply().apply().apply(). We
>>>                               have three PCollections involved in this
>>>         pipeline.
>>>                          It's not
>>>                               currently possible
>>>                               to give indications how the runner should
>>>                          "optimized" and deal with
>>>                               the second
>>>                               PCollection only.
>>>                               The idea is to add a method on the
>>>         PCollection:
>>>                               PCollection.addHint(String key, Object
>>> value);
>>>                               For instance:
>>>                               collection.addHint("spark.persist",
>>>                          StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY);
>>>                               I see three direct usage of this:
>>>                               1. Related to schema: the schema
>>>         definition could
>>>                          be a hint
>>>                               2. Related to the IO: add headers for the
>>>         IO and
>>>                          the runner how to
>>>                               specifically
>>>                               process a collection. In Apache Camel, we
>>> have
>>>                          headers on the
>>>                               message and
>>>                               properties on the exchange similar to
>>> this. It
>>>                          allows to give some
>>>                               indication
>>>                               how to process some messages on the Camel
>>>                          component. We can imagine
>>>                               the same of
>>>                               the IO (using the PCollection hints to
>>> react
>>>                          accordingly).
>>>                               3. Related to runner optimization: I see
>>> for
>>>                          instance a way to use
>>>                               RDD or
>>>                               dataframe in Spark runner, or even specific
>>>                          optimization like
>>>                               persist. I had lot
>>>                               of questions from Spark users saying: "in
>>>         my Spark
>>>                          job, I know where
>>>                               and how I
>>>                               should use persist (rdd.persist()), but I
>>>         can't do
>>>                          such optimization
>>>                               using
>>>                               Beam". So it could be a good improvements.
>>>                               Thoughts ?
>>>                               Regards
>>>                               JB
>>>                               --
>>>                               Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>>         jbono...@apache.org <mailto:jbono...@apache.org>
>>>         <mailto:jbono...@apache.org <mailto:jbono...@apache.org>>
>>>                          <mailto:jbono...@apache.org
>>>         <mailto:jbono...@apache.org> <mailto:jbono...@apache.org
>>>         <mailto:jbono...@apache.org>>>
>>>         http://blog.nanthrax.net
>>>                               Talend - http://www.talend.com

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