Unless there's something that doesn't work in Java 8 future, +1 to

On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 10:54 AM, Kenneth Knowles <k...@google.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Luke, Thomas, and I had some in-person discussions about the use of Java 8
> futures and Guava futures in the portability support code. I wanted to
> bring our thoughts to the dev list for feedback.
> As background:
>  - Java 5+ "Future" lacks the main purpose of future, which is async
> chaining.
>  - Guava introduced ListenableFuture to do real future-oriented programming
>  - Java 8 added CompletionStage which is more-or-less the expected
> interface
> It is still debatable whether Java got it right [1]. But since it is
> standardized, doesn't need to be shaded, etc, it is worth trying to just
> use it carefully in the right ways. So we thought to propose that we
> migrate most uses of Guava futures to Java 8 futures.
> What do you think? Have we missed an important problem that would make
> this a deal-breaker?
> Kenn
> [1] e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38744943/listenablefuture-vs-
> completablefuture#comment72041244_39250452 and such discussions are
> likely to occur whenever you bring it up with someone who cares a lot about
> futures :-)

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